Death by Audio Interstellar Overdriver
Death by Audio Interstellar Overdriver
Death by Audio Interstellar Overdriver
Death by Audio Interstellar Overdriver
Death by Audio Interstellar Overdriver
Death by Audio Interstellar Overdriver
Death by Audio Interstellar Overdriver
Death by Audio Interstellar Overdriver
Death by Audio Interstellar Overdriver
Death by Audio Interstellar Overdriver

Death by Audio Interstellar Overdriver

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209,00 €
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Death by Audio Interstellar Overdriver

Effetto fantastico "Handmade in Brooklyn, New York , USA"!
Semplicemente uno degli Overdrive più dinamici e versatili mai costruiti.
Con due semplici controlli di "Master" e "Overdriver" si spazia da un semplice Boost fino ad un Overdrive carico e ricco di armoniche!

True bypass e alimentato a 9v (Standard Boss), alimentatore non incluso.

Per tutte le info, potete visitare il sito ufficiale:



Throw away your Tube Screamer. Truck loads of sweet creamy overdrive have arrived. The more you turn it up the better it sounds.

The Interstellar Overdriver is a real overdrive pedal blasting your amp with your sound. The knob works giving a slight boost all the way counterclockwise to a beautiful harmonicly rich overdrive maxed out. It is designed to work the same way as old tube amps - the more you turn it up, the better it sounds. For more control kick back the output volume with the MASTER knob while keeping the sweetness.

The Interstellar Overdriver is quickly becoming a favorite of many professional players since it really brings out the good sound of your amp + guitar and doesn't just completely transparently boost the signal.

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